During the last decade a set of surface descriptors have been presented describing local surface features. Recent approaches have shown that augmenting local descriptors with topological information improves the correspondence and segmentation quality. In this paper we build upon the work of Tevs et al. and Sun and Abidi by presenting a surface descriptor which captures both local surface properties and topological features of 3D objects. We present experiments on shape repositories that are provided with ground-truth correspondences (FAUST, SCAPE, TOSCA) which show that this descriptor outperforms current local surface descriptors.
author = {Gehre, Anne and Bommes, David and Kobbelt, Leif}
title = {Geodesic Iso-Curve Signature},
booktitle = {Vision, Modeling {\&} Visualization},
year = {2016},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association}